发布时间:2017-04-12 浏览次数: 12360










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方克艳:理学博士,研究员,博士生导师,无党派人士。入选“福建省闽江学者特聘教授”奖励计划和福建师范大学高层次领军人才培养计划获得“福建省杰出青年基金”资助。2007年参加兰州大学-哥伦比亚大学联合培养, 2011年赴赫尔辛基大学从事博士后研究,于2013年聘入福建师范大学地理科学学院工作,研究方向为树轮气候学、树轮生态学与植被模拟并于2014夏季赴瑞士苏黎世理工大学WSL所从事访问学者合作研究,与2015年赴瑞典哥德堡大学担任从事高级访问学者合作研究。部分研究成果已经在国内外期刊发表,共发表文章79篇,其中第一作者Scientific ReportsJournal of ClimateClimate DynamicsSCI期刊上发表文章28(1区文章7),第二兼通信作者文章6篇,并为Scientific Reports, Global Change Biology, Journal of Climate, Climate Dynamics26份国际SCI期刊担任审稿人。获得刘东生地球科学奖学金、全国百篇优秀博士论文提名奖和宝钢教育奖等多项奖励。



2007.12-2009.11: 兰州大学-哥伦比亚大学联合培养博士研究生,自然地理学



2014.9-现在: 福建师范大学地理科学学院博士生导师

2013.9- 现在: 福建师范大学地理科学学院特聘教授

2015.12-2016.11University of Gothenburg(高级访问学者)

2014.7-2014.10Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL(访问学者)


2010.1-2011.8: 兰州大学西部环境与气候变化研究院讲师

2007.12-2008.11: 哥伦比亚大学LDEO地球观测所研究助理(part-time staff associate)

2007.12-2009.12: 兰州大学资源环境学院助教(中外联合培养师资博士生项目)


2008-2009: 宝钢教育奖学金



2011-2012: 西部环境青年教师创新奖

2011-2013CRAICC Fellowship



















[1] Keyan Fang, Binggui Cai, Xiuming Liu, Guoliang Lei, Xiuyang Jiang, Yan Zhao,Hongchun Li, Heikki Seppä. 2017. Climate of the late Pleistocene and early Holocene in the coastalSouth China inferred from the submerged wood samples. Quaternary International,doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2017.02.033

[2] Keyan Fang, Zhengtang Guo, Deliang Chen, Hans W. Linderholm, Jinbao Li,Feifei Zhou, Guoyang Guo, Zhipeng Dong,Yingjun Li. 2017. Drought variation of western Chinese Loess Plateau since 1568 and its linkages with droughts in western North America. Climate Dynamics, Doi: 10.1007/s00382-017-3545-9

[3] Keyan Fang, Risto Makkonen, Zhengtang Guo, Yan Zhao, Heikki Seppä. 2015.An increase in the biogenic aerosol concentration as a contributing factor to the recent wetting trend in Tibetan Plateau. Scientific Reports, doi: 10.1038/srep14628

[4] Keyan Fang, David Frank, Yan Zhao, Feifei Zhou, Heikki Seppä. 2015. Moisture stress of a hydrological year on tree growth in the Tibetan Plateau and surroundings, Environmental Research Letters, 10(3) 034010, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/10/3/034010

[5]Keyan Fang, Dan Chen, Xiaohua Gou, Rosanne D'Arrigo, Nicole Davi.2015. Influence of non-climatic factors on the relationships between tree growth and climate over the Chinese Loess Plateau. Global and Planetary Change, doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2015.06.008

[6] Keyan Fang, Deliang Chen, Jinbao Li, Heikki Seppä. 2014. Covarying hydroclimate patterns between Monsoonal Asia and North America over the past 600 years. Journal of Climate, 27: 8017-8033. DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00364.1

[7]Keyan Fang, Heikki Seppä, Deliang Chen. 2015. Interdecadal hydroclimate teleconnections betweenAsia and North America over the past 600 years. Climate Dynamics,7-8: 1777-1787. DOI: 10.1007/s00382-014-2266-6

[8]Keyan Fang, Fahu Chen, Asok K. Sen, Nicole Davi, Wei Huang, Jinbao Li, Heikki Seppä. 2014. Hydroclimate variations in central and monsoonal Asia over the past 700 years. PLoS ONE 9(8):e102751 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.01027

[9]Keyan Fang, Martin Wilmking, Nicole Davi, Feifei Zhou, Changzhi Liu. 2014. An ensemble weighting approach for dendroclimatology: drought reconstructions for the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Plos ONE,9(1): e86689. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0086689

[10]Keyan Fang, Nicole Davi, Rosanne DArrigo. 2014. A reconstruction of the Asia-Pacific Oscillation Index for the past 1500 years and its association with the Asian summer monsoon,International Journal of Climatology,34 (7): 2505-2514.DOI: 10.1002/joc.3856

[11] Keyan Fang, Jesse L. Morris, J. Sakari Salonen, Paul A. Miller, Hans Renssen, MartinT. Sykes, Heikki Seppä. 2013. How robust are Holocene treeline simulations? A model–data comparison in the European Arctic treeline region. Journal of Quaternary Science, 28(6): 595–604. doi: 10.1002/jqs.2654

[12]Keyan Fang, David Frank, Xiaohua Gou,Changzhi Liu, Feifei Zhou, Jinbao Li,Yingjun Li. 2013. Precipitation over the past four centuries in theDieshan Mountains as inferred from tree rings:an introduction to an HHT-based method. Global and Planetary Change, 107: 109-118. doi: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2013.04.010.

[13] Fang Keyan, Gou Xiaohua, Chen Fahu, Changzhi Liu, Nicole Davi, Jinbao Li, Zhiqian Zhao, Yingjun Li. 2012.Tree-ring based reconstruction of drought variability (1615-2009) in the Kongtong Mountain area, northern China. Global and Planetary Change 81-82: 190-197. doi: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2011.10.009

[14]Fang Keyan, Gou Xiaohua, Chen Fahu, Frank David, Liu Changzhi, Li Jinbao, Kazmer Miklos. 2012. Precipitation variability during the past 400 years in the Xiaolong Mountain (central China) inferred from tree rings. Climate Dynamics, 39: 1697-1707. DOI 10.1007/s00382-012-1371-7

[15] Fang Keyan, Gou Xiaohua, Chen Fahu, Cook Edward, Li Jinbao,Brendan Buckley, D’Arrigo Rosanne. 2011. Large-scale precipitation variability over Northwest China inferred from tree rings. Journal of Climate 24 (13): 3457-3468 doi: 10.1175/2011JCLI3911.1 (SCI-1)

[16] Fang Keyan, Gou Xiaohua, Chen Fahu, Li Jinbao, D’Arrigo Rosanne, Cook Edward, Yang Tao, Davi Nicole. 2010. Reconstructed droughts for the southeastern Tibetan Plateau overthe past 568 years and its linkages to the Pacific and AtlanticOcean climate variability. Climate Dynamics, 35 (4), 577-585, doi: 10.1007/s00382-009-0636-2 (SCI-1)

[17]Fang Keyan, Davi Nicole, Gou Xiaohua, Chen Fahu, Cook Edward, Li Jinbao, D’Arrigo Rosanne (2010) Spatial drought reconstructions for central High Asia based on tree rings. Climate Dynamics. 35 (6): 941-951 Doi: 10.1007/s00382-009-0739-9

[18] Fang Keyan, Gou Xiaohua, Chen Fahu, D’Arrigo Rosanne, Li Jinbao. 2010. Tree-ring based drought reconstruction for Guiqing Mountain (China): Linkage to the Indian and Pacific Oceans. International Journal of Climatology, 30: 1137-1145 doi: 10.1002/joc.1974 (SCI-2)

[19] Fang Keyan, Gou Xiaohua, Chen Fahu, Peng jianfeng, D’Arrigo Rosanne, Wright William, Li Mai-He. 2009. Response of regional tree-line forests to climate change: evidencefrom the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Trees, 23: 1321-1329. doi: 10.1007/s00468-009-0373-5 (SCI-2)

[20]Fang Keyan, Gou Xiaohua, Chen Fahu, Yang Meixue, Li Jinbao, He Maosheng, Zhang Yong, Tian Qinghua, Peng Jianfeng. 2009. Drought variations in the eastern part of Northwest China over the past two centuries: evidence from tree rings. Climate Research38: 129-135 (SCI-3)

[21] Fang Keyan, Gou Xiaohua, Levia Delphis, F, Li Jinbao, Zhang Fen, Liu Xiuju,Peng Jianfeng. 2009. Variations of radial growth patterns in trees along three altitudinal transects in north central China. Journal of IAWA.30(4):443-457 (SCI-4)

[22] Fang Keyan, Gou Xiaohua, Kenneth Peters, Li Jinbao, Zhang Fen. 2010. Removing biological trends from tree-ring series: Testing modified Hugershoff curves. Tree-ring Research. 66(1):51-59. doi: 10.3959/2008-18.1 (SCI-4)

[23] Fang Keyan, Gou Xiaohua, Chen Fahu, Li Jinbao, DArrigo Rosanne, Cook Edward, Yang Tao, Liu Wenhuo, Zhang Fen (2010) Tree growth and time-varying climate response along altitudinal transects in central China. European Journal of Forest Research.129: 1181-1189. DOI: 10.1007/s10342-010-0408-x (SCI-2)

[24] Fang Keyan, Gou Xiaohua, Chen Fahu, Jinbao Li, Feifei Zhou, Yingjun Li.2011.Covariability between tree-ring based precipitation reconstructions in Northwest China and sea surface temperature of Indian and Pacific oceans. Climate Research, 49: 17-27. Doi: 10.3354/cr01019.

[25] Fang Keyan, Gou Xiaohua, Chen Fahu, Li Yingjun, Zhang Fen, Miklos Kazmer.2012.Tree growth and its association with climate between individual tree-ring series inferred from RPCA analyses and biweight series for north central China. Dendrochronologia. 30(2): 113-119 Doi: 10.1016/j.dendro.2011.04.003

[26] Fang Keyan, Gou Xiaohua, Chen Fahu, Davi Nicole, Liu Changzhi. 2012. Spatiotemporal drought variability for central and eastern Asia over the past seven centuries derived from tree-ring based reconstructions. Quaternary International, 283: 107-116. Doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2012.03.038

[27] Fang Keyan, Gou Xiaohua, Chen Fahu, CookEdward, Li Jinbao, Li Yingjun. 2012. Spatiotemporal variability of treegrowth and its association with climate over Northwest China. Trees.26 (5): 1471-1481. DOI: 10.1007/s00468-012-0721-8

[28]Fang Keyan, Gou Xiaohua, Chen Fahu, Zhang Fen, Li Yingjun, Peng Jianfeng. 2010. Comparisons of drought variability between central High Asia and monsoonal Asia: Inferred from tree rings. Frontiers of Earth Science in China. 4(3): 277-288 DOI 10.1007/s11707-010-0111-8

[29] Keyan Fang, Heikki Seppä. 2014. Earthquake as a potential contributing factor to climate change at multi-decadal scale, Science in Cold and Arid Regions, 6 2):131-138

[30] 方克艳,勾晓华,陈发虎,彭剑锋,刘普幸,王茂,朱有明. 树轮生态学研究进展. 冰川冻土. 2008305):825-834

[31] 方克艳,刘昶智,勾晓华,李颖俊. 树轮学的一些基本研究方法和存在的问题. 兰州大学学报. 2012, 485):61-64.

[32] 方克艳,陈秋艳,刘昶智,曹春福,陈亚君,周非飞. 树木年代学的若干研究进展评述. 应用生态学报. 2014, 257):1879-1888

[33]方克艳,杨保,郑怀舟,李颖俊,周非飞,董志鹏,曹春福,李大稳,陈亚君. 树轮学研究方法及其在全球变化中的应用. 第四纪研究. 2015, doi: 10.11928/j.issn.1001-7410.2015.05. 0

[34]方克艳刘秀铭李颖俊周非飞董志鹏,曹春福,李大稳,张雨甘展峰,陈亚君. 树轮记录的过去300年来青藏高原东南部积雪覆盖的变化. 第四纪研究. 2016, doi: 10.11928/j.issn.1001-7410.2016.03. 0


[35] Dawen Li, Keyan Fang*, Yingjun Li, Deliang Chen, Xiaohong Liu, Zhipeng Dong, Feifei Zhou, Guoyang Guo, Feng Shi, Chenxi Xu, Yanping Li. 2017. Climate, Intrinsic Water-use Efficiency and Tree Growth over the Past 150 Years in Humid Subtropical China. PLOS ONE, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0172045

[36] Feifei Zhou, Keyan Fang*, Fen Zhang, Zhipeng Dong, Dan Chen. 2016. Climate-driven synchronized growth of alpine trees in Southeast Tibetan Plateau.PLOS ONE, 11(6): e0156126. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0156126

[37] Feifei Zhou, Keyan Fang*, Qiuyan Chen, Yinjun Li. 2016.Interdecadal moisture patterns and teleconnections in Monsoonal Asia over the past seven centuries. International Journal of Climatology, DOI: 10.1002/joc.4745

[38] Feifei Zhou, Keyan Fang*, Yingjun Li, Qiuyan Chen, Dan Chen. 2015. Nonlinear characteristics of hydroclimate variability in the mid-latitude Asia over the past seven centuries. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, doi: 10.1007/s00704-015-1565-0

[39] Dan Chen, Keyan Fang*, Yingjun Li, , Zhipeng Dong, Yu Zhang, Feifei Zhou. 2015.Responses of Pinus taiwanensis growths to climate change at its southern limit of mainland China at Daiyun Mountain in Fujian province. Science in China. doi: 10.1007/s11430-015-5188-1

[40]Yingjun Li, Keyan Fang*, Chunfu Cao, Dawen Li, Feifei Zhou,Zhipeng Dong, Yu Zhang, Zhanfeng Gan. 2016. A tree-ring chronology spanning the past 210 years in the coastal area of Southeast China and its relationship with climate change. Climate Research. doi: 10.3354/cr01376

[41]曹春福,周非飞,董志鹏,李颖俊,张雨,李大稳,甘展峰,方克艳*. 2016. 福建戴云山台湾松树轮-气候响应的线性和非线性模式研究. 亚热带资源与环境学报,111

[42]张雨,方克艳*,周非飞,董志鹏,甘展峰,李大稳. 2016. 福州马尾松年内晚材生长动态观测研究.亚热带资源与环境学报,111